AAGD in 3D

Nov '14

A collection of exercises of different techniques in Cinema 4D Studio. Some source files are available for download for personal use.


This one is based on a tutorial and Python script by krotMonster. Starting with an extruded vector logo, a polygon object is created. With the Ray Bounce script splines are generated within the polygon object. The splines can’t leave the polygon container and get reflected from the inner walls as they get longer. This was repeated with three splines in different colours, rendered using Hair Material. Colour grading was added in PS. C4D source (R14)


Vector path, warped with a Random effector (turbulence), extruded with fillet caps, cloned and rotated. Two more Random effectors are setting the colours and a slight displacement. A slight colour grading was added in PS. C4D source (R14)